It is important to recognise the correct pest that is present in your home. Use our handy guide below to identify your pest!  This guide covers insects that cause damage in textiles, paper and wood.

Textiles The Pest Adults
Ragged 'messy' holes with silk-like threads and pinhead size balls of frass (the same colour as the fabric). Webbing clothes moth larvae - small, white larvae with dark heads. Small, silvery-gold moths often running over the material.
Ragged holes some 'frass' often small, cream-coloured pupae cases. Case-bearing clothes moth larvae, white with dark heads. As above, but darker wings.
Small ragged holes, no frass often 'cast skins; (small, bristly brown shells). Carpet beetle larvae (woolly bears) - small brown hairy larvae, quite active. Small, oval beetles (like tiny ladybirds) with coloured patterning.
Small ragged holes, no frass often 'cast skins; (small, bristly brown shells). 2-spot carpet beetle larvae as above, but with long bristly 'tail'. Small, shiny, black oval beetle with two white spots on its back.


Paper & Books The Pest Adults
Grazed areas on paper with small holes, minute teeth marks visible around holes Silverfish - Shall, thin silvery fast-moving insects.  They avoid light. Associated with damp, dark areas
Grazed areas on paper and bindings Book Lice - Pinhead sized, grey-brown insects.  Fast moving and avoid light. Associated with damp, dark areas


Wood The Pest Adults
Small (2-3mm) holes with pale insides.  often pale, bore dust Furniture Beetle (Woodworm) larvae.  Hardly seen Small, brown, slim beetles 4-6mm lond with grooved wing cases and hooded head
Large (4mm) holes in oak, often with reddish bore dust Deathwatch beetle larvae.  Hardly seen. Smallish, fat beetles, grey-brown with lighter patches on wing cases and hooded head.  Often found on the floor below oak beams


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